Dota 2 Drow Ranger skill build:
The skill build for Drow Ranger in Dota 2 can be different depending on what kind of enemy heroes you have on your lane. If you have melee heroes and you want to kite them quite nice, max your Frost Arrow first. If you have a good support hero with you, put only 1 skill in Frost Arrow and max your Trueshot Aura first with 1 skill in Silence. On all Drow Ranger skill builds you must level your ultimate at 6, 11 and 16. Bellow you can see a common skill builds for Drow Ranger in Dota 2:
1. Trueshot Aura
2. Frost Arrow
3. Trueshot Aura
4. Silence
5. Trueshot Aura
6. Marksmanship
7. Trueshot Aura
8. Frost Arrow
9. Frost Arrow
10. Frost Arrow
11. Marksmanship
12. Silence
13. Silence
14. Silence
15. Stats
16. Marksmanship
17-25. Stats
Item build for Drow Ranger in Dota 2:
I'll continue this Dota 2 guide for Drow Ranger by saying that your starting items for Drow Ranger are Healing Salve, Tango, Slippers of Agility, 3x Iron Branch. From there go for Wand and Power Threads along with one Wraith Band. Your core items should be Shadow Blade (especially for public games), Helm of the Dominator, Manta Style and Black King Bar. The order to do this differs from one game to another but these four items are the best in mid game for Drow Ranger in Dota 2. In late game go for Satanic, Monkey King Bar, Butterfly or Daedalus.
Gameplay and Strategy for Drow Ranger in Dota 2:
With Drow Ranger you must dominate your lane by constantly harassing enemy heroes with your Frost Arrow (since you don't agro the creeps while casting it). She has awesome range and with a decent support hero near, you will keep the lane for yourself easily. Ganking with Drow is easily if you have Frost Arrow level 4 fast, but keep in mind that Drow Ranger is a carry and you might want to farm along in the early stages of the game. Don't go on lanes with hard nukers like Lina, Zeus or Queen of Pain and you might want a support hero like Lion or Crystal Maiden.
Dota 2 Drow Ranger video guide by Dotacinema:
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