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In Hon, Fayde is the hero that is known for ganking all the time, others being afraid of her because she can be invisible after level 6. Fayde's role is to hunt down the heroes that have low hp, to not let farm and to make their farm difficult. After they will a few ganks, your enemies will be afraid of you, especially because they won't know when you`ll hit them.
How to play Fayde hero in Hon:
In the beginning of the game, you can go mid with fayde because she's a ganker and she needs to have some extra levels above her opponents. The faster she makes level 6 and has her ultimate, the faster she can gank. It's easy with fayde, you gank when your ultimate is up and you farm when it's on cooldown. You need some items so farm and gank, don't waste time. Aim for the weakest and put them down.
Fayde Guide: Hero skills
Cull - Fayde swings her scythe in a wide arc, dealing heavy damage to enemies while the darkness in its wake, destoying their mana instantly. (This skill is AOE so you will hit multiple targets. You will also drain their mana in a certain percent, depending on skill's level.)
Burning Shadows - Fayde summons a wave of darkness, causing the shadows of enemy heroes hit to turn against them for a short time. Shadows grant 200 day and night clearvision while alive. (You can stun multiple enemies with this skill if you get them in a line.)
Deep Shadows - Fayde summons pure blackness in a target area, causing enemies to be wary and have to slow down while Fayde feels right at home, moving faster. (You gain movement speed as you slow down targets in an area where you put your Deep Shadow - perfect for runaways!)
Reflection - Fayde becomes one with the shadows, going stealth for a short time. When Fayde attacks from stealth she cripples the enemy, dealing heavy damage over a few seconds.
Fayde Guide: Skill build for Fayde
1. Burning Shadows
2. Cull
3. Cull
4. Burning Shadows
5. Cull
6. Reflection
7. Deep Shadows
8. Cull
9. Burning Shadows
10. Burning Shadows
11. Reflection
12. Deep Shadows
13. Deep Shadows
14. Deep Shadows
15. Stats
16. Reflection
17-25 Stats
Item Builds for Fayde in Hon:
I'll continue this HoN Fayde guide by saying that she is a powerful ganker in Hon and for this hero her items count a lot. She has to make kills to make money and you also need to farm with her. In the beginning of the game, make her shoes as fast as possible: Ghost Marchers being the best options. I've seen that on certain websites Steamboots are suggested but trust me, those guys have no idea how to play fayde if they wrote that. Steamboots are used for carry heroes, not for gankers. Fayde needs speed and Ghost Marchers are the best.
Another important item in early game is the Codex. Try to make her the codex right after the boots because she will need it. With her ultimate, burning shadow, cull and codex, any weaker opponent will be dead after this combo of skills ends. Always pick the heroes you are sure you will kill, don't go for those with much HP. Fayde usually ganks carry heroes or intellect ones, not the strength based.
If you still got money after you made your Codex, you have 2 options: Either upgrade the codex or make spellshards. I prefer to make spellshards because they are more effective than another level on Codex and you can gank more easily. Also, with Spellshards on you, the reuse of your skills will decrease (of course, not by much but it will be worth buying Spellshards).
Portal Key is another item Fayde should have, so if you got money, buy it! It will help you more than you could imagine. No hero will be able to run away from you. With your portal key you'll chase them down easier than you expected.
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